Pros & Cons of having a roo your input appreciated!!

omg that third pic SOOOO funny! what a handsome boy just stepping out

lots of pros very few cons, I love my boys!

Yep they where just strutting around the yard that day.
The CON is the noise they can make, its a BIG con so A roo(one!) is best in my book.I hate hearing the neighbors dogs so I won't subject anyone(MYSELF) to possible constant crowing. my current cockeral crows some but not enough to bother me so I guess he's tolerable to neighbors(the closest one is 400' away) None of my roo's has ever seemed protective but that would be the only PRO in my book(being protective,that is).There are variables in their temperments so you have to be prepared to deal if roo grows up loud,mean.and 3 out of 4 of mine have.
my pros and cons are pretty much the same as others. I love my big RIR roo because hes good with the girls and keeps alert. They follow him around and come running when he announces he has found food. I think someone was in my coop one night because when I went out and opened the door he came right at me wings flapping, he calmed when he saw it was me but the coop was a mess. He must have really opened up on who ever it was. On the other end, he and I are still in a power struggle. I cant turn my back to him or he will try to come at me and he comes at my young son so we have to be careful when they are in the yard. I had to buy a couple aprons for his favorite girls and that solved that problem. But I appreciate its his genes and his job and he does it well. And I love to hear a roosters crow.
For me it's a big pro. The crowing is the third best part , after protection and breeding. I miss the crowing when I don't have any mature roosters, it says "country".
Of course there are some that think hard rock is noise, while some think it is music. It's all in the ears of the listener.
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We got a roo by accident. A bantam Cochin. We call him Napoleon. Thinks he's a lot bigger than he is. Don't think he would offer much protection since all the girls are bigger than he is except for the frizzle. Starts crowing around 5:00 AM. then on and off through the day as the mood strikes him. He may wind up in the kettle soon though. He's taken to attacking my 12 yr old daughter when she plays with the hens. He won't bother me, just her. Of course she teases him a bit too, when she thinks i'm not looking, wiggles her toe at him, just to see what he'll do. She has to wear tall boots around him. He calms down when she holds him. I told her the teasing had to stop (wide-eyed look of surprise!). If it gets out of hand it'll be his waterloo!
There is a meat birds section if you need to ask this - folks there will answer your question.

OP, I will just add that a good roo is a priceless gift. If I didn't have to get to work I would relay here the virtues of the good roos I have been fortunate to know, including presently my sweet BJ. Selfless and gentle and loving - all hens who have ever met him had to have felt like princesses.

Since not all roos are that amazing, you might end up with one that has some features you don't much admire but if he's good to the hens, and that's good enough for you, you could save a life by adopting him because there are far too few good homes for the number of roos needing homes....

All the best.

(and btw, I have been very affectionate with all roos I have ever known and this has not had any downside - they remained respectful and never once got mean....that said, I have met some who are less than polite so I know they run the gamut!)
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