Sponsored Post Protecting your chickens from predators in your backyard!

This sounds like a great product but like that one person said I wouldn't be willing to pay $100 .anyways my coop is high!ly capable of handling itself.the only problem I have is snakes no matter what you do you can't keep those things out!:(
LL I DID WAS PUT SOME STRING OVER TOP OF MY COOP to protecct my birds from hawks. I also added a Bottom
Piece of wire under a layer of um dirt and rock and packed into the ground.
$99 each! However, doesn't say placement area (number of feet between each unit). North, South, East, West? Distance it is effective to--Not enough info to drop a bill on a unit. I would imagine you would need to put one on each side of your area.
Hey guys Im just joining and I am about to start chickens and Im wandering what type of chickens I should get any ideas?
I have lost 5 hens in the past 6 mos to a Husky. The neighbour refuses to keep him tied on. Our hens have been free ranging for 3 yrs with no problem, until now. It really upsets me when people refuse to obey the law regarding roaming dogs. We stay outside when they free range, but boy are those dogs fast.

We also have had a scattered mink, but drove them off. We are getting chicks this summer, We will have to go back to enclosed run. SAD
what you getting for? if is eggs Dominiques are good and very friendly if is meat Jersey grow very fast and yet very friendly for show nothing beat the silkies they are very sweet.Wich ever you get you will have a blast and they are very fun to have.
You should keep tryinng to get them to tiye there dog up and just a sugestioun but you might want to put up a fence around your chickens
Well I was thinking of geting a type of chicken that culd be good at laying eggs and I also want it to be a good meet producer and im hopeing that its nice.
The hawks we have here don't bother our chickens very much, all the hawks do is circle in nearby fields. Most of the time if a hawk does come across our chickens the chickens just scatter into the coop. The only problem with predators is our little dogs but they don't do much now that we teached them a lesson, and our cats take care of the rest of the predators. The cats we have don't even bother the chickens.

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