Protrusion care


Jan 25, 2020
Onyx, Ca ... Kern River Valley
I've been talking with BYC pro about my hen. Her eggs went soft and she gas a protrusion now from trying to lay them.
This is second day in the dark room after epsom salt soak & vetricyn.
The protrusion was better this morning, but came out again - maybe she was pushing to poop.
Can anyone tell me if this can eventually be cured?
Does the dark really reset their lay cycle?
She's getting +600 mg calcium a day and vitamins
You probably are talking about a prolapse. It's caused by a blockage, an egg, or other membranous tissue. This is how to care for it.
Yes it is a Prolapse. One of the BYC pros has been advising me - the ChickenVet. And that's also an informative article thank you.

However - I wanted to put it out to the general forum, to ask if the dark or low light treatment will truly reset her egg laying clock. And how many days approx. will it take.
She really needs to stop egg production in order to let her system catch up. She's been laying gel-eggs, the last 3
Trying to fix a prolapse is neither easy or quick and it is not a for sure thing.

Highly likely that she prolapses again if you do get it to stay in this time.

What is BYC pro?

Can you post a clear picture of her butt area?

What exactly have you been feeding her?
This is this afternoon. She's made somebsmall poops, but this white liquid is coming out.
Bottom of photo shows her red belly. She had mites and it's time for her 2nd treatment. I wanted to get this figured out first.
She walked around and ate some mash then went back into the carrier on her own
The flock of 5 get layer crumble in a feeder and a daily mash made of the crumble and I supplement with Kicken Chicken 3xwk. There's free oyster shell in a dish and on the ground. They get a lot of birdseed under the feeders when my husband lets them out.
The feed store had a new brand due to supply chain issues, then she got mites, then we had a heat wave into 3 digits - I think all sent her downhill.
We were getting an occasional thin egg, but I thought it was the feed.
Now supplementing with Purina Layena that they like and has a better ingredient list.
Yes it is a Prolapse. One of the BYC pros has been advising me - the ChickenVet. And that's also an informative article thank you.

That's not a prolapse.
Look up Vent Gleet.

One might be wise to look at the "BYC Pro's" username and profile. Just because "vet" is in the name doesn't mean they are a vet. To my knowledge there is no such thing as a "BYC PRO" and there are No chicken vets (A "Real" DVM) on this site. This site is mainly comprised of small backyard chicken keepers that have made a community of trying to help one another out, there are no doctors here, so seeking profession medical help by a licensed Vet is always best.
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