Pullet can’t stand or walks wobbly


8 Years
Oct 8, 2015
So she was born in March. I got her in May a few weeks later she was laying on her side couldn’t walk. I started vitamins, 2 days later she was walking. 2 days after that she was back to not walking. I then tried splay leg straw and hair band treatment 2 days later walking again and next day laying on her side again. Tried corrid treament and still she can’t stand or walk. Some days she will get up hobble around. Then 2 days later back down. Anyone have a clue what might be wrong?
I have almost the same thing wrong with 2 of my chickens I have been giving them corrid and I started vitamins 2 days ago they still can’t walk idk what happened but I hope that ur chicken will be ok and some one could help us both 😔
I have almost the same thing wrong with 2 of my chickens I have been giving them corrid and I started vitamins 2 days ago they still can’t walk idk what happened but I hope that ur chicken will be ok and some one could help us both 😔
Any news on either of your chooks?
Also look into Spraddle Leg! Your chookies might be okay with a while of hobbling them to encourage proper bone and muscle growth. As with anything, it’s a process that could take weeks or months so don’t get discouraged if progress feels flaky for a while!

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