Pullet can't stand up. plz help

Did this affliction come on your pullet suddenly? Was she walking normally and then one day stop?

Did she hop up to perches without any problem or has she been avoiding high places? Do you recall any limping or stumbling if she tried to run from the other chickens? Did the other chickens pick on her more than usual?

If she does recover, keep an eye on her behavior. If she shows signs of limping or she goes back to just sitting again, she may be developing an arthritic condition.

One way to tell if this is her problem is to give her half a baby aspirin two times a day, and if she improves with pain relief, then you'll know it's probably the pain that has her deciding to "sit it out".

I have a hen who has arthritis and can't walk at all unless I treat her with baby aspirin. I've also been giving my hen a quarter of a tab of glucosamine twice a day. It's dramatically improved her condition. I also have her sleeping inside when the temperature is down in the single digits since it seems very cold temps are responsible for worsening the arthritis.

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