Pullet & Cockerel Photo Contest - Ends June 5, 2015

This is D.G., our 6 week old Barnevelder. He's closer to a 2-3 week old in development and we suspect he was a failure to thrive or some similar condition. We loved him anyway and despite our best efforts, we lost him last week. :(

The first two pictures are of Derp, the EE (I'm sure you can figure out how he got the name). He is about 6 weeks in those pictures I think. The last picture is of Derp and D.G sleeping together on my husband's back. You can see the major development difference between them, even though they were hatched on the same day.
I will enter soon! Need to get some good pictures.
What is the deadline to get pics in. I see judging takes place starting June 6 but are pictures accepted until that day or the day before? Is there a definite cut off date and time?
Love all the entires!

@Naliez , D.G. was adorable. I'm sorry you lost him, poor guy. Derp is very cute, the first picture cracked me up.

@Chicken Girl1 , I'm looking forward to your post!

@kristaschics15 , I'm looking forward to your entry as well. The original post says entries must be submitted by June 5, but I might edit it to a later date depending on how many entries I get in the next couple days.

@junebuggena , wow! Your chickens are beautiful. I love the patterns that easter eggers have...so pretty and it's always a surprise.

Name: Harry
Breed: Feather-footed Cochin Bantam Cockerel
Age: Hatched 6/22/14
Purpose: Pet

Harry is a cross of small
buff feather-footed bantam hen and black feather-footed frizzle bantam rooster. His feathers almost look like he has a fur coat on....so gorgeous...would like to find him a mate.

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