Pullet Eggs - Wish she'd stop doing this.

Well, this ain't my first rodeo, as my friends say in Texas,
but this is my first time with this strain from Meyer. It happened a lot with ISA's too, but it stopped much sooner. Don't see as much of this the more traditional lines.
I had a hen that was a JG mix and she laid one of those every week I still felt bad I just got one from my barnyard mix. I wish that there was something I could do but it does happen feel sorry for the hen that lays them.
I have a leghorn that lays at least two a week like that and she is six months into laying . Every single one of them is a double yoker. I feel so bad for her but as everyone else says there is nothing I can do about it.
I have a red sex-link hen that has laid at least 2 double yolks a month ever since she started laying last year. Usually the yolks were smaller then normal, but the latest one was massive and each yolk was the size of a regular yolk. Ouch.... Lol

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