Pullet or Roo???? I'm having an anxiety attack!!!


6 Years
May 16, 2013
Hanover, PA

This is Bettie my Buff Orpington at 3 wks. She's supposed to be a pullet but I'm having a panic attack and worried she may be a he. She had tail feathers at 1 wk, but when I saw pictures of her sisters, their tail feathers were smaller and more rounded. She is somewhat skittish, but will run to me if I walk away from her in the yard. Someone please tell me I'm worrying for nothing. I live in town and just cannot have a rooster and would hate to have to rehome her/him. I know nothing is for sure until she lays an egg. Thanks.
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This was my accidental cockerel BO at 3-4 weeks. I think you have a pullet
The comb is still yellow and there are no wattles to speak of yet. And her feet seem long and slender. This is my first chick, so I have no idea what normal development is. Everything I read seems very contradictory. Muy frustrado!
That makes me feel a little better. I've been searching all over the internet to see comparison pics at Bettie's age. Thank you!!!

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