Pullet or Roo? Think breed is EE...?

My chickens looked like hens at first and now I'm unsure
Yes, please post some pictures. I'm new to this, but i want to try and see if I can tell the difference. And what I is the Best and sure fire way to tell, is the feathers on their backs. Cause the boys have Way different feathers than the girls. So post some pics, and we can try to help you out. That, and I like seeing all the pretty chickens...lol
And yes, it's been confirmed my girl, is a Girl...And she's a Black Sexlink....And I didn't know that until someone told me on this thread. Lol
Saddle and hackle feathers only start coming in on roosters after about 13 weeks. Some types of chickens can be sexed accurately much earlier based on other characteristics, but there is a breed/gender thread specifically for sexing chicks on this site too. C:

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