Pullet or Roo

Noooo šŸ˜­ It's my favorite of the group
They tend to be the goofiest, most personable unfortunately :'(

Curious....what are the definitive signs with these guys? I also thought BRs were sex linked.
They're sex linked- sort of. Some breeds like Cream Crested Legbars and Black/Gold Sex Links you can tell MUCH easier! Barred Plymouths however... it can be a little tricky.

Generally the boys will have;
1. Yellow legs
2. Bigger, well defined head spot
3. Wider barring/more white in the pattern

While girls will generally have;
1. Black legs
2. Smaller/irregular/no head spot
3. Thinner barring/more black in the pattern

If it's not clear from these, generally I notice plymouth rocks tend to develop combs/wattles fairly quickly! Having more than one of each breed (like the other poster showed with their BR boy and BR girl!) can make it much easier : D
They tend to be the goofiest, most personable unfortunately :'(

They're sex linked- sort of. Some breeds like Cream Crested Legbars and Black/Gold Sex Links you can tell MUCH easier! Barred Plymouths however... it can be a little tricky.

Generally the boys will have;
1. Yellow legs
2. Bigger, well defined head spot
3. Wider barring/more white in the pattern

While girls will generally have;
1. Black legs
2. Smaller/irregular/no head spot
3. Thinner barring/more black in the pattern

If it's not clear from these, generally I notice plymouth rocks tend to develop combs/wattles fairly quickly! Having more than one of each breed (like the other poster showed with their BR boy and BR girl!) can make it much easier : D
I'll have to take a closer look tomorrow for all these things. Do rocks develop combs and wattles quickly in general or just if they are a rooster vs a hen? Unfortunately I've only got one, so I don't have a nice comparison like the other poster šŸ˜‚
I'll have to take a closer look tomorrow for all these things. Do rocks develop combs and wattles quickly in general or just if they are a rooster vs a hen? Unfortunately I've only got one, so I don't have a nice comparison like the other poster šŸ˜‚
GENERALLY, the boys will get a bigger, pinker/redder comb and wattles at a younger age, while the girls will only really redden up at point-of-lay. If I remember correctly rocks tend to develop a little faster than the average bear so you'd probably see combs a bit earlier than say other breeds (as you can see on your little cockerel unfortunately :'( )
GENERALLY, the boys will get a bigger, pinker/redder comb and wattles at a younger age, while the girls will only really redden up at point-of-lay. If I remember correctly rocks tend to develop a little faster than the average bear so you'd probably see combs a bit earlier than say other breeds (as you can see on your little cockerel unfortunately :'( )
Very helpful, thank you!

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