Pullet or Roo?

Awesome. Time for me to make a call to the farmer who sold them to us as pullets. Maybe we can exchange them.

Thanks everyone for your help and patience with my neurotic multiple posts. We just started our backyard flock this March so I am totally a newbie and really have no idea what I'm doing. This site has been SO helpful in so many ways! And ya'll are so nice and kind. It's very much appreciated.
Awesome. Time for me to make a call to the farmer who sold them to us as pullets. Maybe we can exchange them.

Thanks everyone for your help and patience with my neurotic multiple posts. We just started our backyard flock this March so I am totally a newbie and really have no idea what I'm doing. This site has been SO helpful in so many ways! And ya'll are so nice and kind. It's very much appreciated.
You are welcome, feel free to ask LOTS of questions about your chickens as we are happy to answer them.
Agree they're both roosters. This shows how helpful a good, close picture can be! White birds can be especially hard to get good photos, but that second set you posted shows wonderful detail!

Spurs aren't a good indicator of gender. Some roosters don't grow much in the way of spurs, and some hens have spurs. But those pointy feathers are all male! honestly, so is crowing unless the bird is older....if it's under a year and crowing, it's male. Hope the seller will make it right for you.

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