Pullet or roo?


5 Years
Apr 25, 2014
New York State
5.. Nearly 6 weeks... amerucana / arunuca mix bird
What do you think? I ask because they're all supposed to be hens lol and she's got quite the comb and looks like a tiny little hawk... I also say her sit on one I know is a hen... Like perch on as if she were a chair :-/ runs around the other birds as they eat and takes food from near them lol. Either she's gonna be a handful or I have a roo on my hands... Beautiful bird
would be a great looking rooster
Check her neck feathers. If they're pointy then its a hen. If they're rounded it a roo. I just got my first clutch of chickens this may, and one of my chicks had a huge comb early on. Now, her comb flops to the side its so big, but its just because she's a leggern.
Um, I think you got that backwards. Rounded hackle (neck) and saddle (base of tail) feathers= hen, stringy or pointy hackle and saddle feathers= roo.

But, at 6 weeks old, this bird is still to young to check those areas. Right now, its plumage says pullet. With Easter Eggers (which are typically Ameraucana mixes, usually), that penciling throughout is a female trait. What you should look for, as far as male indicators that will pop up first, are vibrant red/rust patches. They usually appear on the wings first.

Are you sure your chick is an Ameraucana/Araucana mix? I ask because your chick appears to have a single comb. Both of the breeds mentioned have pea combs, which is dominant, which would mean your chick would get a pea comb if those breeds were its parents...
Nice to hear everyone thinks pullet :)
what do you mean by red rust patches?
Well I was told that she's some combination... That said... Human error lol I mean one of them looks like a golden seabright... And is super tiny... And some of them don't have combs at all but she has quite a look about her, one of the others has the same though not as prominent
though this one had reddish spots

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