Pullet Stumbling

Also, last night I have yet another hen that is stumbling around. It seems to be the ones that I have hatched. This is so stressful. If I did not spend money on a coop and run I would just be done with it.
I feel the exact same way... I've put so much energy and care into having a flock and it just always ends badly. I got this girl to replace my first flock that was killed by dogs but it seriously feels like it's been problem after problem. My girl is doing worse after this weekend, maybe because I wasn't with her 24/7 because I'm not in my office working but she's not wanting to eat or drink this morning. I'm sorry to hear about your other birds not doing well either, it really sucks. I'm expecting my 2 other pullets to go down once they start laying and I'm fairly certain it's Mareks at this point. Was going to look into... not sure how to word it, passive (?) ways to cull? I can't do the traditional ways and neither can my husband
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If yours still hanging in there? Any others with symptoms ?
No others with symptoms, I just have 2 other pullets that I brought home with this girl and then my Buff Brahma from my first flock. I think this girl is going down, I'm not seeing much light in her eyes as of this morning
Look up St John’s wort! I just got some from earthfare and I’m trying it tonight!!
I've seen that one mentioned! Let me know how it goes! I don't have any on hand but I do have L-Lysine so I was going to try that but now she's not wanting to drink/eat
I know it sucks. I said I would keep trying as long as they are but I could never kill them. I just can’t do it
I know it sucks. I said I would keep trying as long as they are but I could never kill them. I just can’t do it
How has the St. John's Wort been going? I've had my girl on Lysine for 2 days now, no changes. Eating and drinking really well, but no toe movement. She can just move her legs at the hip. I'd say breathing is better though
B12 is not the vitamin needed for leg issues. B complex or super b complex vitamins contains all b vitamins, including b12 or colbalamin. It also has thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and many others. I don’t know why but many seem to think b12 is b complex. B complex contains all of the ingredients below:
How has the St. John's Wort been going? I've had my girl on Lysine for 2 days now, no changes. Eating and drinking really well, but no toe movement. She can just move her legs at the hip. I'd say breathing is better though
Both of mine have passed. I think they honestly had a heart attack but im just glad its all over and they are not suffering.

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