Pullet with a bruised beak?!?!


12 Years
Feb 27, 2007
Orlando, Florida
I dunno what happened to her, but somehow it looks like it got caught in a door. Something akin to catching a finger in a door with it being the upper part, say like the nail. OUCH!?!? Anyway, it's all red and looks like you can see the part that "got caught in the door." Kind of cracked like. I hope she's gonna be okay.....


I definately need a better camera, lol......
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I had that happen to a young parrot once. The vet told me to feed (or at least offer) softer foods until she felt better. She said to think of it like running into a wall with your nose and then trying to pick up food with our nose. It hurts, so soft food is better if you can offer it, but on the good side, it should heal up just fine. Keep an eye on the crack tho, you might need to trim it or it might grow funny later.

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