Pullet with poopy butt and....

does she get any other treats besides scratch maybe she got something she shouldn't have free ranging or too much of something 🤔
I gave my entire flock Diarrhea at the beginning of the summer too much watermelon
They free range sunup to down. They’ve actually had access to the remainder of the garden for the year starting about a week ago. Carrots, peppers, zucchini, lemon cucumber, tomatoes, peppers of various sorts, strawberries, blueberries, grape vines and a few clusters of grapes, asparagus, snap peas, snow peas, green beans, radishes all could be present.
Here's a very important question. When did she last lay an egg? Was she pretty regular at laying before this?
Don’t know when last layed. Abdomen is neither watery type squishy nor firm tonight. Fancy vent bones are curling in. My guess is currently not laying. She’s 30 weeks old.

@MarkJr, is she a Black Australorp? She's very pretty and, other than the diarrhea looks to be in good health. Her comb color looks good to me and her feathers look thrifty. Let's see what our experts think.
She is a dominant copper. Hybrid of maran and barred rock I believe. Just lethargic. My gut is telling me something is wrong. Just don’t have a clue what it is.
Since she laid those two shell-less eggs, she may have one stuck inside her. This could be the reason for the vent discharge and her lethagic behavior. Your instincts are good. Something is definitely wrong.

It can't hurt to go ahead and treat her for a stuck egg to be safe. Give her one calcium tablet, at least 500mg with vitamin D3. Give one each day for the next few days and let's see what happens.
Yes. Ordinary calcium tablets women take to prevent osteoporosis. It comes with D3 already added. I use calcium citrate, but calcium gluconate or carbonate will work.

Pop the whole pill right into her beak. It will go down easily.
I’ve also had counter peristalsis evidence from eggs. Literally occurred to me. Been a couple weeks since I’ve seen a membrane wrapped egg, but I’m pretty sure it’s this pullet.

@aart What happens when this becomes an issue?

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