Pullets in the coop!


Aug 7, 2019
Cruso, NC
I have five Marian pullets that have integrated into the chicken run and are very happy. None of the hens seem to care. I have an automatic door and I go and check after dark and the hens have gone in but the pullets are in a corner outside. I then put them in the coop for the night. I have seen them go in and out of the coop in the day, why won’t they go in at night? What can I do?
How long have they been integrated? Perhaps they don't see the coop as home yet. Is there plenty of room in the coop for all hens and pullets? Are some of the hens keeping them out of the coop?
They have been loose for about a week but they were caged inside before I let them loose. There is one hen that might be keeping them out. Maybe I will cage her tonight and see if the pullets go in.
Thank you for your insight!
No I didn’t. Night before last at dusk I put her outside the pen. Then I put the pullets in the coop thru the still open automatic door, waited a few minutes for them to get settled then let the hen back in the run. She went in the coop and after a few squawks all was copacetic. Last night I checked and all were in coop and door down.
No I didn’t. Night before last at dusk I put her outside the pen. Then I put the pullets in the coop thru the still open automatic door, waited a few minutes for them to get settled then let the hen back in the run. She went in the coop and after a few squawks all was copacetic. Last night I checked and all were in coop and door down.
Good Move!

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