Pullet's Pulsating Posterior


Mar 23, 2022
So I have this barred rock who is 21 weeks old. Two of her companions have started laying this past week. She has been doing the squat for over a week now and frequently visits and sits in the nest boxes...but no egg. I thought from her behavior she would be second to lay. I've noticed for the last few days she does this weird thing with her back end vibrating. Weird, because I've never had chickens before...so yeah a lot seems weird. But its really weird because its not like she does it for a few seconds and then quits. Its constant. Should I be concerned or she just eggcited?

Excellent suggestion...but I wouldn't know what I am inspecting. I did look at it. It looked like well, her girl stuff. Nothing looked abnormal to me. But I really need some instruction. :)
looks like a twitch to me. I don't think there is anything you can do.
Well in every other way is she is perfectly normal. I did not feel an egg when I probed her. But she is definitely getting ready. Thanks for your input.

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