Pullett has vent issues! UPDATE: Go back with flock???


11 Years
Jan 11, 2009
We have an 8 month old RIR hen named Ginger Pye.
We noticed something was wrong when she seemed lethargic and stopped laying.
When I looked at her vent, I saw this:




It looks like skin from her vent is hanging out a little, but I don't see any blood...
I have seen her eat and drink a little bit. I also gave her some scrambled eggs and bread, but she didn't seem interested.
Her poop is normal.
So far, we have isolated her in the chicken ICU:


If you have any idea, please help!!!
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My hen has a similar problem, but a lot more . . . messy . . . as in poo-wise. I can't tell it she has any skin hanging out though. Your hen does look like she has prolapse, but I don't know how to treat it. That;s what I'm trying to find out! I'm awaiting answers to my post too!
Hi have registered to supply the info I located when trying to diagnose one of my own chickens, apparently your little girl is suffering for a prolapse, she has suffered some form of trauma, possibly during laying of a mishapen or larger sized egg. Treatment is fairly easy & vet intervention may not be necessary what you need to do is.(From memory)
1/ Clean up the vent area of any faeces & push the small flap that is protruding back inside of her.
2/you need to get her to stop the egg productioin process as if she keeps laying this will only aggravate the problem & heal time will take longer. Keep her in a darkened area to stop the egg production.
3/ She will greatly appreciate a soft & smaller meal to reduce firmness of her motions.
4/ok to treat the prolapse all you need is Haemorroid cream, yes i was surprisd at this also, this needs to be applied around & inside of the vent,to assist with repairing the prolapse, no egg being laid will speed up recovery.
Can't remember heal time or how opften to apply the cream, I will search around & post you a link to the actual sight if I am lucjky enufff to find it again.

Good Luck, Tuckeredout
How nice of you to register to help!! Welcome from North Carolina!!

I just had a hen that gave me my first experience with prolapse, and you said everything right!! I have heard that you can soak their bum in warm water to help if she is egg bound, which could have caused the prolapse. I hope she is better soon!!

She just laid an egg! I guess that might be good news in some cases, but in this one it isn't. THE EGG WAS INSIDE OUT! I haven't cracked it open yet, but it appears that the whole shell and free-floating yolk are encased in the membrane. Also, the egg is HUGE! It's like twice the size of normal eggs! (Pictures will follow: my camera's battery just died.
sounds like is may be a "fart" egg or a "lucky" egg..there are many different names for them but in general their first few eggs can be shell less and thats normal

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