Pullorum Disease


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 18, 2012
New jersey
I am saposed to enter the chicken show this August,
But I am so worried that my chickens may have pullorum disease.
When I hatched a chick, she was didn't have the runs, he just looked like she has gasping for air.
We read about it online, and found that another lady had te same thing, and a wood chick was stuck in the throat, so I gave it some of the chick medication that you put in the water, and then it went away.
She is now all grown up, doesn't have the runs, or anything. But she is a little smaller than the others. But when I hatched te second batch, I hatched 17. and put them in the brooder i used for the first.( of course I cleaned it with soap and some disinfectant wipes.
The 2nd batch hatched in late January, and 4 of them died in like late march.
But the rest survived and are big huge birds with great shiny feathers and red combs.
I'm afraid since the 4 died that I have pullorum disease and what do I do if I have it?
Please help!!!
I also forgot to say that some of the 4 chicks died because of crowdedness/pecking at each other.
I saw some blood/scabs on feathers from the other birds.

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