Pun an order with Meyer Hatchery...seeing ALOT of negative feed back


8 Years
Jul 5, 2011
I put in an order with Meyer Hatchery for delivery in May and saw some negative comments about them in the last couple of days. I did a google search and saw more negative than positive. Now I do believe people are more apt to take the time to post a negative comment if they are upset than satisied. People reporting DOA chicks and then random deaths until their flock is almost gone. I already have chickens and want to add to my flock but I dont want to bring in any sickness. I was going to try a hatchery this time as I had some problems with my hens from a "breeder" , they had several breeds I was interested in , I don't want a huge order, or to have to deal with all the roosters. I really want the Anconas and Chantlers I did not see them offered by another hatchery.
SO I am considering cancelling my order and finding chickens elsewhere. Any opinions or experience with Meyer.
I've had two orders from Meyer - both had meaties and the first had layer pullets as well. I didn't lose any in shipment but had a couple wimpy chicks in the first batch that I had to cull. I really, really like the Speckled Sussex hen I got and the Exchequer Leghorn is also pretty cool. The Delawares are kinda blah but maybe that's just how they are.

The first batch of Cornish X was very different from my current batch. My first batch was great - 5-7 lbs. live weight at 45 days with one flip and no leg issues. I don't know whether it's a strain difference, the time of year (Spring v Fall/Winter), or the feed (FlockRaiser v. organic soy-free), but this group is way slower growing.
Hmmmm Interesting. Would you say the chicks you recieved were really healthy? Is there another hatchery you have used you would recommend more?
Yup, they were fine. Here's the first batch at 4 days - looking at it now, you can tell the wimpy chicks from the others. They're the ones with their eyes closed - center black/white and bottom right. Everyone else was perky and ate/drank fine. I do buy the Gro-Gel; don't know if that helps. I sold one pullet and processed the meaties but the pullets I kept are coming up on 2 years without issue.

Oh - forgot. I had some in an order from another hatchery, but I can't remember which one. I'd have no problem going back to Meyer.

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Ok that is good news. Thank you for your reply. I am going to just leave my order and get some of the gel to give them right when they get here. Maybe I will add a few extra in case of some deaths. I cant find the 2 breeds I really wanted anywhere else. Thanks for the info!
I think I might add a Speckled Sussex as well just to try it out!
Would you consider your grown hens pretty friendly?
Dot, the Sussex, is the first of 15 to come up going "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Whatcha up to??" I generally don't pick up my birds but would guess that she'd handle okay. The Delawares are just kinda there. Not scared, not particularly friendly. The Exchequer Leghorn is flighty, but hey - she's a Leghorn. I was super surprised when I put them in the coop - she'd use my shoulder or arm as a launch pad for getting up in the rafters. Only one I've ever had that willingly made contact.

Dot at 1 year.


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