Puny 10 day old peachick with yucky poo and not gaining weight

Thanks for your continued help! Weigh ins today:
Skywalker—42g (so, +3g)—11 days
Charlie—71 g (so, +7g)—5 days old

Skywalker still has brown liquid diarrhea and developed pasty butt overnight, but I soaked him in some warm water, which he didn’t mind at all, and then cleaned him up with a wet paper towel and gave him a blow dry so he wouldn’t get too chilled. I’m currently still questing for additional meds. I’m encouraged by the fact that he has gained a bit and isn’t AS puny as he was. Here’s a photo of his adorable self:
Thanks for your continued help! Weigh ins today:
Skywalker—42g (so, +3g)—11 days
Charlie—71 g (so, +7g)—5 days old

Skywalker still has brown liquid diarrhea and developed pasty butt overnight, but I soaked him in some warm water, which he didn’t mind at all, and then cleaned him up with a wet paper towel and gave him a blow dry so he wouldn’t get too chilled. I’m currently still questing for additional meds. I’m encouraged by the fact that he has gained a bit and isn’t AS puny as he was. Here’s a photo of his adorable self: View attachment 3832992
Did you find the Kaytee feed? I would advise trying to source that asap.

In the meantime, I would keep trying to get the egg into him. It's the yolk that he needs. Raw might be good to try because it will give him some hydration as well. Of course, boiled is fine if he's eating that. Mine always like it scrambled so you could try some different ways and see which he eats the most of.

You could also try some probiotics to help his digestion and multivitamins to give him a boost. Those are all in the Kaytee feed along with the perfect nutrition to help him gain weight fast.

Electrolytes in his water, too.
Thanks again everyone:
Today’s update:
Skywalker (hatched 5/4)

Charlie (hatched 5/10)

Skywalker has turned the corner and is doing great now, y’all! In the last four days he’s put on 13g, which was 1/3 of his total weight just four days ago!
Charlie is also doing fine, though his rate of weight gained has slowed. His toes are all straight and good now too! (I wish I’d gotten a picture of him with his little pipe cleaner splint on, but I won’t subject him to that again just for the sake of a photo op!)

They are also getting along a better, and I hope to switch them to a single brooder full time here very soon now.

The primary things we were able to do was add HydroHen to their water and heavily supplement their Game Bird Starter with boiled egg. I’m still looking for Kaytee Baby Bird Food. Oh, and I had to soak and clean Skywalker’s pasty butt once, but it hasn’t returned. Even his poops have improved.

Last bit to the update: The folks who brought us these eggs to hatch brought us five more yesterday afternoon! Three were in an abandoned nest, and two were again laid on the roof of their truck (like Skywalker’s and Charlie’s eggs were). We put them in the incubator but haven’t candled them yet. If the eggs are still good, we may have some baby additions here sometime in the next few weeks. What an unexpected adventure!

Again, thank y’all so much for holding my hand through these last few days and sending me in all the right directions! Skywalker and Charlie say thanks too!
@casportpony I was thinking I should update again! Thank you for asking! I think they are doing terrific! Their weigh ins today were Skywalker 111g (up from 39 on 5/14) and Charlie 125g (up from 64g on 5/14). Skywalker is gaining on Charlie! They’re buddies in the brooder, and we definitely have to keep a screen over the top or they will fly out (especially Charlie). They’re eating game bird starter and I alternate plain water and HydroHen water when I change their water. Personality-wise, Charlie likes to nibble fingers more and Skywalker likes to climb onto my hands or arms or shoulders more. The way to tell them apart is that Charlie is still a little bigger (but not as much as he was, Skywalker’s head is a little darker and Charlie’s a little more golden brown, Skywalker’s feathers stand up taller on his shoulder ms and Charlie’s tail feathers stick out farther under his wings, and Charlie wants to bite more and fly more whereas Skywalker is more willing to “take the elevator,” but both birds are nice. Right now Skywalker is chilling on my forearm and Charlie keeps flying between the table and my chest and then keeps biting my thumbs as I try to type this when he’s on me instead of the table. The next thing we have to figure out is what housing situation to move them to next as they get bigger and so we can free up their brooder in case any of the next half dozen eggs hatch as well. Here’s a photo from tonight, Charlie on the left and Skywalker on the right, just before each of them jumped/flew over on to me (Skywalker jumped, Charlie waited another couple seconds for Sky to settle and then flew to my other shoulder). I’m absolutely tickled with Skywalker’s turnaround and how the two of them are so different but still have become buds! (And I found Kaytee Baby Bird food locally too, so now I can have that in my bag of tricks if I need it in the future!)


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