Pup date... hehe the last litter...


forgot the link!! i swear i thought i put it in a post grr lol... no babies yet but her first due date is today, definatly uncomfy and not her normal self
Well count me out. I get that you want to make sure that the pups go to a good home and that is commendable. Also I think that most people who are going to register and show their pups are going to be in contact with the breeder from time to time sharing experiences and results from different events. But for me as a person who is only interested in a pet (after considering what breed of dog to get of course) I would not agree to some of the parts of that process.

-we ask for a vet reference, and make sure that the vet has been active in their animals caretaking (shots, check up ETC)

This is way to intrusive. It's one thing to ask who your vet is in polite conversation and talk about the dogs I've had which would be a natural part of the process; but to check with the vet is a whole different thing. For me that would fall in the not your business category.

-we also request that all new pup owners stay in contact often with me. i prefer to talk to them monthly till the dog is 8 or so months old either by email, or phone or even facebook.

This is another thing that I would not agree to as well. I like my privacy and am very choosy about who I share my contact information with. Once the purchase is completed I don't mind the breeder having a good record of the transaction but that is where the process ends. As an adult I don't need anyone checking up on me and how I am caring for my dog. Sure if we bumped into each other at the store I'd enjoy a little conversation about how the pup is but more than that is intrusive. Because really once a purchase is made it is final unless a problem arises. If I need you I'll contact you.

The screening process topic has come up numerous times when it comes to people trying to adopt animals. I've read many posts where an animal misses out on a good home because the group has way to many hoops for the adopter to jump through. I don't see any difference between an overzealous rescue group and an overzealous breeder other than at least the breeder planned for the pups and hopefully bred well.

That being said I think shelties are super cute and who doesn't love looking at puppies.
I will provide an opposing opinion.

I will ONLY buy from a breeder who will screen me heavily. I want to buy from a breeder who has "control issues" about where her puppies go. If the breeder is not stringent, they are not the breeder for us.

I mean it. I want to buy from a breeder who cares enough about where the puppy goes that they will check everything. I have had great experience with healthy cats/dogs/ horses when I shop this way.

I am an excellent home for anyone's puppy/kitten/horse and I'm glad to demonstrate that to any breeder who passes my criteria for being a responsible and successful breeder.

Period. End of story. For me.
sorry that you dont approve of our screening process. but so far it has worked 100% for us. again not one pup has been rehomed. they went to their forever homes.

how is asking a vet about a possible owners current record with them not my buisness?? i dont understand that. i ask 3 questions to the vet. 1. how long has *** used you as a vet?? 2. are they good at keeping up on shots? 3. are their animals healthy, and well kept?

and yes i do ask the new owners to keep in contact with me. that helps with any training issues etc. i like to help as much as i can. i do not do house calls ever. its not like i show up and demand to see the dog. there are only 2 dogs that were born here that i see on a regular basis. one lives 3 houses down. the other belongs to a fellow miniature horse breeder, we show together and so i see that dog often.

to date, i have had 14 pups born. never have i had anyone who called about purchasing a pup get upset by my screening process.
i like to know that my puppies are going to their forever home. i will always take any of my puppies back if the owner can no longer care for them . which is why i like to stay in contact. so that way IF that ever happens, my dogs dont go to shelters.
none of my dogs have been in a shelter, none of my dogs have ended up being passed from owner to owner. my dogs are not expensive. i want responsible people to own them, so i am careful.
we have produced a few pet puppies, and their owners still contact me usually by email.
again sorry you dont like my process, but it has 100% rate for me, and i will continue doing so.
Hey I'm just saying that it wouldn't work for me because I feel it's intrusive. The business that I do with my vet is between her and I and as a professional courtesy I expect her to keep that business between us. That is why it wouldn't be anybody else's business including and not limited to the breeder of an animal I would consider purchasing. That's just my opinion and it's ok that I disagree with your methods. That just means that we wouldn't do business. And it certainly doesn't mean I don't think you are real good at what you do. You probably are. Like I said for me it's more intrusion than I would want. That being said... I can't wait to see the pups come. Best wishes on the delivery.
count me in as well.

I view keeping in contact with the breeder as a HUGE benefit to me. If I have a question, then there is always a ready expert available to ask. If one of the other pups in the litter gets sick or has an allergy or a reaction to a vaccine, then the breeder can be sure to let all of the other owners know. Mom or Dad develop a heart problem or other problem in their later years, I want to know. Same goes for aunts/uncles/grandparents of my pup.

I don't mind giving my vet reference. Too many people say "oh I use Dr Blah Blah" when the only time they have ever been in the office was for a set of puppy shots and then again 6 years later when they had their dog put down. I would want to know that someone taking one of my dogs actually has a working relationship with a vet in case of emergencies.

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