
Well I’m back here with the same question a few months later…I’ve been trying to influence the owner (my parent) of both the male and female GD’s to get them spayed/neutered, but that has not happened. Anyways, I was away on a trip when our female (Nova) went into heat again. The male (Eornie) wasn’t separated from her for that time and they had a possibility of being bred the week of June 18th (I’ve been using that date as a guide). If she was bred, she’s be around 47 days now, but isn’t quite showing. She’s had two phantom pregnancies before (the original reason why the “vet” thought having puppies would fix the hormone imbalance) and leaves me to think this could be her third time. What do all of you think?

31 days since possible breeding^

37 days^

38 days ^


Today, 47 days^

There isn’t any drastic changes besides the larger teats and swollen vulva. She’s naturally a clingy personality and lover of food, so no changes have been seen there. She is very fit as well and definitely get worn out quicker than usual.

Photos to compare from before “breeding”:


As much as I wish I had control over the care of my two dogs, I have close to none, meaning there is no chance of getting her to a vet to get scanned or checked on to make sure everything’s alright. I’m worried about mastitis and thyroid problems. If anybody has any idea on anything here, I would greatly appreciate any help.
She looks bigger to me but :confused: might be harder to tell on such a big dog. You can’t convince them to take her in and get scanned? They took her in before, right? They won’t again? Cause I think it would be important for her to get scanned.
Well I’m back here with the same question a few months later…I’ve been trying to influence the owner (my parent) of both the male and female GD’s to get them spayed/neutered, but that has not happened. Anyways, I was away on a trip when our female (Nova) went into heat again. The male (Eornie) wasn’t separated from her for that time and they had a possibility of being bred the week of June 18th (I’ve been using that date as a guide). If she was bred, she’s be around 47 days now, but isn’t quite showing. She’s had two phantom pregnancies before (the original reason why the “vet” thought having puppies would fix the hormone imbalance) and leaves me to think this could be her third time. What do all of you think?
View attachment 3211679
31 days since possible breeding^
View attachment 3211683
37 days^
View attachment 3211687
38 days ^
View attachment 3211694
View attachment 3211695
Today, 47 days^

There isn’t any drastic changes besides the larger teats and swollen vulva. She’s naturally a clingy personality and lover of food, so no changes have been seen there. She is very fit as well and definitely get worn out quicker than usual.

Photos to compare from before “breeding”:

View attachment 3211710View attachment 3211711

As much as I wish I had control over the care of my two dogs, I have close to none, meaning there is no chance of getting her to a vet to get scanned or checked on to make sure everything’s alright. I’m worried about mastitis and thyroid problems. If anybody has any idea on anything here, I would greatly appreciate any help.
I mean i do see a difference in day 38 and 47
She looks bigger to me but :confused: might be harder to tell on such a big dog. You can’t convince them to take her in and get scanned? They took her in before, right? They won’t again? Cause I think it would be important for her to get scanned.
From my knowing, the last time she was taken to the vet was last august for yearly check-ups. She is due for this years check-up, so hopefully I can convince them to get her scanned while she’s there
Either she is pregnant, or she isn't. Too bad your parents can't see firsthand what happens to unwanted dogs and puppies in the pound. Maybe if they actually saw these poor dogs being put to sleep, they might decide to do the responsible thing and get the dogs spayed or neutered.
Fortunately we know people with good homes who will gladly take a puppy if she has any.

I would like to know if she is or isn’t pregnant because if I do just lay back and wait to see what happens, I could be unprepared and cause danger to her and puppies. So please, if anyone has an idea about the dog, that’s what I would like to know.

Most people are aware of kill-pounds and frankly, some people just don’t care. It’s awful, but I can’t change their mind.
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Fortunately we know people with good homes who will gladly take a puppy if she has any.

I would like to know if she is or isn’t pregnant because if I do just lay back and wait to see what happens, I could be unprepared and cause danger to her and puppies. So please, if anyone has an idea about the dog, that’s what I would like to know.

Most people are aware of kill-pounds and frankly, some people just don’t care. It’s awful, but I can’t change their mind.
Just take care of her like you normally would. You might prepare a whelping place just in case. Beyond that, there isn't a whole lot you can do.
Either she is pregnant, or she isn't. Too bad your parents can't see firsthand what happens to unwanted dogs and puppies in the pound. Maybe if they actually saw these poor dogs being put to sleep, they might decide to do the responsible thing and get the dogs spayed or neutered.
I personally do not think it’s irresponsible to keep an intact dog. I actually think any responsible pet owner should be able to keep an intact dog without issues. Seems op has done that.
Anyway, not looking to ruffle any feathers, just an opinion. Desexing also puts the pet into instant menopause, which causes lots of health issues. Yes, eliminates reproductive cancer and pyometra, but it does not come without increasing other problems. I think the pros of intact outweigh the cons.
https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/health-risks-of-early-spay-neuter/?utm_source=klaviyo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CONTENT: Omelette + stuff (UULV89)&_kx=aLpu1CaD4r2NpNcGSykQ3C9EWU3u1wEVaZ5OFDlIE44=.C4YyV9

Anyway, this is off topic. Just wanted to put my two cents in the bucket. Carry on.

Edit: not to say that irresponsible pet owners with unwanted pregnancies aren’t part of the problem, but they certainly aren’t the only, or biggest problem.
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