
Are you hoping to get it to where she's your dog so you can get proper care?
I would absolutely love too, but unfortunately there are three other dogs in similar positions and with me being under 18, it isn’t possible quite yet. As soon as I’m in a stable enough environment where I can go through school and care for at least one of the dogs, then that’s when I can. The dogs aren’t in poor conditions and are getting almost complete vet care, they’re just treated not as well as they should be.
I would absolutely love too, but unfortunately there are three other dogs in similar positions and with me being under 18, it isn’t possible quite yet. As soon as I’m in a stable enough environment where I can go through school and care for at least one of the dogs, then that’s when I can. The dogs aren’t in poor conditions and are getting almost complete vet care, they’re just treated not as well as they should be.
I don't mean to pry, but being in an unstable environment with a potential litter of puppies on the way doesn't sound like the best situation for you or your dog. Are these other dogs GDs also? Not potentially pregnant, I hope?
For your own sake and that of the dogs under your care, please remember that good intentions without the resources to go with them can land you in a lose-lose situation.
If your girl is pregnant, she may need help with the delivery, are your parents willing to help you with those vet costs even if they have handed her over to you?

You obviously care for your dog a great deal and want to do what's best for her, just be careful not to take too much on your shoulders alone.
I don't mean to pry, but being in an unstable environment with a potential litter of puppies on the way doesn't sound like the best situation for you or your dog. Are these other dogs GDs also? Not potentially pregnant, I hope?
For your own sake and that of the dogs under your care, please remember that good intentions without the resources to go with them can land you in a lose-lose situation.
If your girl is pregnant, she may need help with the delivery, are your parents willing to help you with those vet costs even if they have handed her over to you?

You obviously care for your dog a great deal and want to do what's best for her, just be careful not to take too much on your shoulders alone.
I’ll go into more detail about how how I mean they’re in an “unstable environment”.

I have 4 dogs, two intact GD’s, a fixed Boston terrier male, and a fixed Heeler female. We moved from Washington to California a year ago into one parent’s new SO’s home on a mountain. The new SO is a bit of a druggie and not so great towards the dogs besides the Heeler (favors the Heeler). The mountain house is basically a dust storm and has loose trash everywhere, mainly car parts. Now when I say “unstable environment”, I mean literally. My main fear is one getting cut on trash then the unclean area causing infection or any other problem. None of them are allowed inside, which I know some owners have guard dogs that never see the inside of the home, but seeing how everything is covered in dirt and flies, not to mention summer heat, I would prefer them in “better” environments. All four dogs get proper needs and care, and are all very happy. I appreciate the concern

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