Puppy Thread

It does. It's also focused on praise based methods instead of treat based methods, which I thought was good? Why is the dominance stuff bad?
Oh well that’s good then, idk. I haven’t read it in a while. And it’s just pretty outdated and there’s other stuff that works better
Also I’m not a huge fan of Zac. :oops: but he’s pretty good for basics.

I do really like kikopup, Simpawtico Dog Training, and Training Positive on YouTube though. They all have amazing videos and Simpawtico especially has a TON of really useful, clear stuff! But all are great.

Here are their channels.



What don't you like about Zak?
I like that he uses positive training and he talks about controlling the space puoppies have access to which I think is very important.
hey @KDOGG331 what's littermate syndrome
I’m not really sure how best to explain it but there’s a ton of information on Google if you want to learn more about it. But basically the dogs bond very closely to each other rather than their human and they can have a ton of behavioral problems from it and can make it very hard to train them or get them to listen. They can also develop bad separation anxiety and they can serially even develop aggression and fight each other too! It doesn’t always happen, of course, but it’s pretty common. Even just for two. With 9, the chances of that are way increased plus the additional difficulty of adding on a pack mentality. There are things you can do though to help mitigate the risk.
What don't you like about Zak?
I like that he uses positive training and he talks about controlling the space puoppies have access to which I think is very important.
I just honestly don’t think he is that good of a trainer or really knows what he is doing. There are far better trainers out there IMO that are still positive trainers. He also had a dog that developed a lot of problems and idk, just the way he handled her and did things made me cringe a bit. I also hate how he has so many ads and not that much training content in his stuff haha but he’s not the worst ever and he’s pretty good for basics and stuff but there’s just so many other trainers that I just never really liked him or watched him much.

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