Pure English Black Orpington Young Adult Roosters

Let me see about box. Gees those things are expensive. I'll get a price to you tom.

Ok. Box $30. I finally found a reasonable place to buy one that the shipping wasn't more than the box. Lol. Anyway, just let me know and I will check on shipping 20# to your zip. Monday if you are still interested. Thanks leslie
Happy Easter, just wanted to check if you had a rooster still available? They are beautiful Roos and I could use one for breeding.

Thanks in advance,

Gosh I really love these boys but the last pic looks like he has red leakage in his neck... are these all related? I'm trying to avoid leakage... they sure are gorgeous boys otherwise!
I know I'm a little late to the game but I noticed you said you hatch chicks as well. How much do you charge for the black orpington chicks? If you have any available how much to ship to 63771?

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