purple comb and wattles...


Free Ranging
17 Years
Jan 26, 2007
central Ohio
Is this a specific symptom of some types of disease? Our black Australorp banty roo's comb and wattles turned dark purplish when it got very cold here a few weeks ago. I didn't give it much thought as he acted normal, was eating, running around, crowing. I thought it might be a touch of frostbite. But now he's dissapeared, and I'm fearing the worst. We have looked everywhere. I think he got sick and went somewhere to hide, and probably has died, because he's been missing two days now. I'm figuring he might've died or gotten so weak that a predator found him and finished him off; maybe even a rat, whicch would be wjhy we can't find him. So I 'm just wondering...what could have caused this, is it something we should worry about being contagious? Any thoughts? It has been three weeks or so since his symptoms first started, and he has acted finej, or so it seems.
Sometimes, a purplish comb can be a sign of heart insufficiency or pressure on the organs, as in when a hen's abdomen fills with infection and fluid. Hard to say just what it is since it could be several things.
Thank you, that's what I wondered, about heart problem or systemic infection of some kind, just wanted to see what others thought.. Either of those would account for a sudden death/ dissapearance, I guess. I'll hope for the best for the others, or maybe he will still re-appear, but I doubt it.

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