purple comb, lethargic and no eggs.

I'm going through the exact same thing with my leghorn as well... one thing that I found helped was to hold her head down and massage her crop if its impacted or sour, especially if she has been drinking a lot of water.

Hope your girl gets better!
I'm going through the exact same thing with my leghorn as well... one thing that I found helped was to hold her head down and massage her crop if its impacted or sour, especially if she has been drinking a lot of water. 

Hope your girl gets better!

Thanks for the advise, she is drinking alot, tomorrow I will try it and see what happens...
I'm going through the exact same thing with my leghorn as well... one thing that I found helped was to hold her head down and massage her crop if its impacted or sour, especially if she has been drinking a lot of water. 

Hope your girl gets better!

Thanks for the advise, she is drinking alot, tomorrow I will try it and see what happens...

You shouldn't unless you want to make her throw up everything she ate. If there's no sour smell coming from her mouth, I'd advise against it. Try feeding her some probiotics, like yogurt. Or put probiotics in the water. No ACV if you suspect sour crop.
Well, treatment started today, I fed them all pumpkin seeds and raw pumpkin for worms, all though I am still nervous of them being egg bound. Can a whole flock get egg bound at once? The eggs got lighter and small in the weeks leading up to to this? what does that mean? My leghorn is doing better, but she still has moments of lethargy. I want to seperate her but another hen injured her leg and is in my quarinteen box. A couple more are starting to act this way as well. Warm baths for each hen is also in order.

Have you checked the inside of her vent for an egg?

You shouldn't unless you want to make her throw up everything she ate. If there's no sour smell coming from her mouth, I'd advise against it. Try feeding her some probiotics, like yogurt. Or put probiotics in the water. No ACV if you suspect sour crop.

OK, I was thinking about this, I do not think it is sour crop anymore, what ever it is she's getting better.
Have you checked the inside of her vent for an egg?


Not yet...I didn't because I found it unlikely several hens would get egg bound at the same time. If she is not better by tomorrow or has yet to lay an egg I may check. I don't feel anything...
It's important for people to remember that almost all crop problems are secondary to something else, so it's that something else you should be trying to identify.

Worms could cause the problems you're seeing, so that might be a good place to start.

Crop slow down can also be caused by improper diet, so stick with lay pellets or lay crumbles and forget about yogurt. If you really want to give probiotics, buy an avian specific one and feed that instead.

No need to give a bath if there isn't a stuck egg. And please don't vomit anyone until you rule out worms. :D

I thought I'd update what's going on with my flock, so if anyone else ever has this problem...my flock is molting... This makes me feel kind of stupid because I over reacted. I am glad the only "treatment" i did was pumpkin seeds. I realized that at 18 months, with bald heads, listlessness, itching, no eggs, utter misery, and naps during the day were all was clear signs of the beginning stages molting. Thanks to everyone that helped me out try to figure this out.
Since they are molting, do not use Safeguard to worm them as it can cause some sort of issue with new feathers.


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