Purple Comb?


Free Ranging
7 Years
Why is my Buff Orpington's (?) Comb kinda purple on the tips? Also one of my hens has one kinda purple ear. I do have one last question, why is my Easter Egger's comb kinda reddish orangish in color? Is it because she is about to lay? TIA


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The purple is probably frostbite. If it is just a little at the tips and ear, you are lucky. My cock (my avatar. See his big comb and wattles? The bigger they are, the more they are likely to get frostbite) had it really bad and he cannot be out when it is below thirty degrees so I keep him in a big refrigerater box in the basement when it is cold (Lots of crowing at 4 am!!). Your hen looks like she doesn't have it bad, so i don't think you need to do anything, but to prevent it you can rub vaseline on their combs at night. It keeps moisture from clinging to them.
The purple is probably frostbite. If it is just a little at the tips and ear, you are lucky. My cock (my avatar. See his big comb and wattles? The bigger they are, the more they are likely to get frostbite) had it really bad and he cannot be out when it is below thirty degrees so I keep him in a big refrigerater box in the basement when it is cold (Lots of crowing at 4 am!!). Your hen looks like she doesn't have it bad, so i don't think you need to do anything, but to prevent it you can rub vaseline on their combs at night. It keeps moisture from clinging to them.
Thank you! Wow he does have big Combs and wattles! He's gorgeous. Yeah it's been about 70 degrees during the day, and around 50 degrees at night. It has been raining for like 12 hours though, to the point of it makes me cold to be outside when I'm wet. It makes sense I guess lol.
Glad to help. And by the way, about the orange, i don't think it is anything to be concerned about. Sometimes my hens' combs turn orange from bright red when they are relaxed, and chickens' combs won't be the same color every day. Usually when hens are about to lay, their combs turn really red, but if your hens comb is normally a light pink it could turn orange instead of red.
Glad to help. And by the way, about the orange, i don't think it is anything to be concerned about. Sometimes my hens' combs turn orange from bright red when they are relaxed, and chickens' combs won't be the same color every day. Usually when hens are about to lay, their combs turn really red, but if your hens comb is normally a light pink it could turn orange instead of red.
Thank you! Oh ok that's a relief. I hope the are close to laying. I only have 1 out of 10 hens laying right now, so more eggs would be nice lol. They are around 19 weeks old :)
The purple can also be bruising from an accidental bash or disagreement with another chook - happens to a few of mine from time to time.
That's possible. One if my Roosters is just now learning to mate and the hens don't like the idea much,and it gets really loud sometimes. That could explain the buff orpington hen, and maybe the 2 roos are fighting... :/ I am planning on getting rid of one of them.
They should start laying around 18 weeks, but it really depends on the bird, it can be earlier or later. Just depends!
They should start laying around 18 weeks, but it really depends on the bird, it can be earlier or later. Just depends!
Well Easter Eggers your late (lol)!!! I have noticed one laying in the nesting box a couple times (comfortably). They do sleep in there though... I've just never seen her in there during the day.
The purple could also mean frisky.
Has he been rough with the hens?
Yes he has... :/ :)
Well Easter Eggers your late (lol)!!! I have noticed one laying in the nesting box a couple times (comfortably). They do sleep in there though... I've just never seen her in there during the day.

Yes he has... :/ :)

Yup, purple means frisky, that's what my rooster does.
Frisky means rough with the hens.

Normally, he will see a hen he can't have but wants when he's frisky.

Is there another coop next to his with hens?

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