
Are you talking about trilling?? Like when a group of young 'uns snuggles against each other to go to sleep? They trill (sing softly) endlessly to each other!!

If you've ever watched 10 or 15 of 5-12 week-olds all snuggled up against each other in fall weather as night falls and heard them all trill to each other it is the most CUTE thing. Their instinct is to clutch together and keep each other warm. One time I put my hand down between a bunch of little Australorps and it was WARM and almost so lovey-dovey I had to quit because the cuteness was going to overtake me!!

I read somewhere that they release oxytocin and endorphins when they're in a group roost like this. Oxytocin is the "cuddle" hormone and endorphins give a sense of happiness and pleasure. I think this is why chickens seem to be happy almost anywhere so long as there are other warm chickens around and so long as there isn't much obvious danger.
Silkie (you never guess what breed she is, wink wink) purrs when I pick her up for a while. She almost didn't make it when she got sick. I'm so glad she did because she is my favorite hen. That's a lot for me to say since I have tons of sweet chickens.

I love to here the babies trills. Silkies used to trill when she was little. She was always a pretty "cluckative" chicken!
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