Put chicks on medicated food two weeks ago


Mar 2, 2023
I just started feeding medicated chick starter grower two weeks ago my chicks are from the last of Feb up to 3 weeks got a Cockrell 8 weeks old and some 6 weeks old yesterday they are separated awsy from mine and was started on medicated feed last night .is Is there a set time I need to treat my chicks with Corid 9.6 oral solution or not I am not sure how to go about this ,What should I do all my chicks are healthy acting and looking good and healthy.
Regards Judy Mayes
They're all on medicated starter, why are you wanting to treat with Corid?
The only time you should treat is IF you suspect coccidiosis ... The medicated feed contains Amprolium. "Amprolium is a coccidiostat formulated to reduce the growth of the coccidia oocysts, allowing the young chick to develop an immunity to coccidiosis as they grow into adulthood"
I didn't own 6 of them until last night and they weren't on med chick feed, I have them separated from mine will the medicated feed help them there 6 weeks old
I just wanna be sure i doing right by them .
Regards Judy Mayes
There's no reason to treat for coccidiosis if they don't have it. Many of us never use medicated feed (and it's not a guarantee that they won't get coccidiosis with it, it just helps as a preventative).

I keep Corid on hand so I can quickly treat it IF needed.
There's no reason to treat for coccidiosis if they don't have it. Many of us never use medicated feed (and it's not a guarantee that they won't get coccidiosis with it, it just helps as a preventative).

I keep Corid on hand so I can quickly treat it IF needed.
Good advice here

We never feed medicated or give anything unless needed.
Ok and if need how much corid do you add to water?
Thank you Judy Mayes
Liquid Corid dose is 2tsp or Powdered Corid Dose is 1 1/2tsp per gallon of water given for 5-7 days as the only source of drinking water.
Do not add any extra vitamins/electrolytes that contain B1(Thiamine) to food or water during the course of treatment.

👇BUT As mentioned and very good advice. No reason to treat unless there's a problem!
There's no reason to treat for coccidiosis if they don't have it. Many of us never use medicated feed (and it's not a guarantee that they won't get coccidiosis with it, it just helps as a preventative).

I keep Corid on hand so I can quickly treat it IF needed.

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