Put eggs in the bator 9-9-12 anyone want to hatch along????? :0)

Wow! I wish I had that luck with hatching!  :duc
So sad to hear about the ones that didn't make it. :hugs
None of my swedes are laying yet.  I can't wait till i can hatch out my own.  
They weren't shipped eggs or anything, so that's probably why the success. I think the deaths were related to temperature issues before hatching. My humidity and temperatures were too low. The ones that died - 2 had umbilical hernias, one was stuck to it's shell and died after I helped it get unstuck (2 hours after being under the heat lamp), 1 just seemed really weak from the get-go and 1 was a surprise.
My one is out. Still not out of the woods yet. Hope this little one makes it. I have 20 more eggs in the bator to hatch out on the 17th, 2 of them are cracked, I put wax on them and those 2 are actually growing! I haven't candled the rest yet. Will do that tonight after I get this little one out of there. I've only ever hatched out shipped eggs. So far I suck at it. Not sure why. It's still a learning process. This is my first hatch in the new bator. I'm thinking the temp gauge on it is a little off. These might have been incubated a bit on the cool side. While I'm in town today I'll pick up a couple little thermometers to test the temp. Bleh.
My lone hatcher, isn't going to make it.

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