Put eggs in the bator 9-9-12 anyone want to hatch along????? :0)

I started questioning what he was because as a baby he looked so different from any picture of SFH I'd seen. So I got ahold of the breeder where the eggs came from and she id'd him right away.

Here's a pic of his fuzz when he was little. He was leopard spotted. It was crazy.

We have 22 acres that's been vacant since the 70's. We bought it in December 2011 and moved out here in April. It was pretty over grown, but the fire took care of most of it. kinda a blessing in disguise i guess. Gotta look at the bright side of things!
Yea, more pics.
He was sooooo cute. I guess that is a really good way to look at the land thing. We are gonna start building on the land we bought in about a year. We just closed on the land. So how big of a headache is it to build a house? I know having the end product will be great, I am just worried about how much stress it is gonna be. I know my hubby and I are gonna disagree on everything from cabinet type to light fixtures etc. Are you married does building take a toll on the marriage? To bad we couldn't find the land with the house already built. We couldn't find any nice houses with as much land as we wanted and if we did it probably would have been out of our budget. Sorry for the rambling, its kind of neat that you just went through what we are about to go though.

Free eggs are always great!! I have 2 ameracauna's they hatched July 4th weekend. I'm starting to think that one of them is a he if not both, ugh, I really wanted some colorful eggs!
Post some pics of the Ameraucanas we might be able to tell you if they are boys or girls. It will be fun!!! Make sure to take good pics of the combs.
I set 7 "ameraucana" eggs, that someone gave me, on 9/9. I guess we will see what comes out :)
I candled them last night, and all 7 of them are showing some veining.
This is my second hatch. My last babies hatched on Labor Day.

Free Ameraucana eggs, AWESOMEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
An update on my broody hen. This morning when we left to go to the fair, we poked our heads in the coop to check on her and there were 2 little white heads poking out of her feathers. I'm not sure how many are there all together, but we have at least 2.
BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't wait to see pics.
I'm down quite a few eggs. One of my silkies has not laid a single fertile egg since she went broody 15 weeks ago. I don't know if the roo is not making close enough contact - but I have seen them go at it. Not a single bantam Ameraucana egg was fertile

I put my spare roo in with the 4 girls a few times this week. Hopefully I will get something soon. I would like to hatch a few to start laying next spring. The girls will squat for me, but resist any attempts of the boys, and they are very polite. No forcing, just trying to impress them into a squat.
Well almost every single one of my EE eggs is fertile. Lots of silkies as well. Can't complain!
So sorry.
I guess it is a good thing you put in 50 eggs. Think positive, you will probably still get lots of babies.
well so much for me joining in ! lol - eggs didnt get sent by supplier (blamed an employee),and when i turned incubator on to get ready for eggs it refused to get up to temp.so supplier is now sending new eggs & a new incubator is on the way .hopefully incubator will arrive mon/tues & new eggs will arrive wed
Well just through out one infertile eggs. Normally that really wouldn't be a big deal but, this is my second time trying to hatch some of this breed from this breeder. Last time out of about a dozen only one made it to the hatching point and it didn't make it out of the egg. I can't remember exactly how many eggs there were but, somewhere between 9 to 12. They are really dark Maran eggs so I don't know why they didn't hatch. I think a lot might of been infertile. We really love the big dark eggs though and really want some of these babies. We would be happy with 2, that would be a success. So I am on pens and needles wondering if anything will hatch and it is driving me crazy because, it is really hard to candle. It was obvious the one I threw out was infertile.

UGGGGGH!!!!!!!!! Sorry for the rambling, We just really want at least two of these babies. I really wish I could candle them, they are so dark I can't tell if there is veins or not.
out of my 22 SFH shipped eggs, I have 9 definitely growing. I left all the others in just incase. Will candle them again in a few days to make sure and then toss the ones that are bad.

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