putting chicks outside???


10 Years
Jul 29, 2009
hello,my chicks will be 6 weeks old on weds.they are definitely out growing their brooder (theres 5 of them)i have an extra coop that is about 4x5x6 and has 2 inches of insulation in the walls and floor.its going to be in the mid fifties during the day but at night its falling into the twenties and thirties.so my question is ,with 1 heat lamp,in the coop do you think the babies will be ok?
thanks so much for all your advice..
My biddies are a week old & now live outside in their 330 sq feet coop. The coop is three sided . They do have a heat lamp & their doing fine. I have thirty chicks so they seemed crammed in the brooder so now their not.
Definitely. At 6 weeks they probably don't even need the heat lamp. Mine have been outdoors since they hatched. Since 1 week old they have been under their mama only at night that I've seen, and I'm out there several times a day. The week they hatched and the next week, we were in a cold snap, in the teens at night and 40-50 daytime.
thanks for the replys.i guess ill try putting them out,but i think ill use the heat lamp for a few days just so i can sleep..lol im a worrier.i know they will definitely be happier with all that room.
Be very careful to secure the heat lamp so that water can't splash on it, chicks can't bump it. At that age, they don't need a 250 watt heat lamp. I found a red, 100 watt outdoor flood light at a small hardware store, I recommend that.

A ceramic socket and metal hood with a cage will be even safer.
thanks,ive got the light hung high enough the chicks cant get to it.i also have it hung by 2 different things so it wont fall.i like the 100 watt red light idea.ill have to look for 1.i have a 25 watt purple bulb for reptiles but i dont think it will heat much out in the coop.
By 5-6 weeks old, I take the heat lamp away ... it seems my chicks are feathered out by then and they don't appear cold when I go out to the chicken house in the mornings. Also the last 3 weeks my chicks had the heating lamp they stayed far away from it. I think your chicks will be fine.
thanks pkw,i just put a 25 watt purple light out for them.they were scared to death out in the coop when it got dark.lol they are used to being in my living room.so im hoping this will help.gonna be in the low 30's tonight.
They'll be fine. I have a group of 6 week olds (that were raised in the coop under Momma - and it got to 20 below) and a group of 7 week olds currently in the coop. The 7 week olds I just threw into the coop a few days ago (right before they turned 7 weeks) - it's been highs in the 20's to 30's. Just make sure they have bedding to snuggle down into at night and they'll be fine. No heat in my coop although I do have insulation. However, the windows and vents are all open.

In fact my 6 week olds have been running around on the frozen, snowy ground for about 3 weeks now. They're amazing little critters.
yep plenty of bedding.at least 3-4 inches.ill keep the 25 watt bulb on til they get a little used to being out in the dark..

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