Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

Well, just stopped in at TSC to pick up the feed they told me was gonna come in yesterday.

And it wasn't there. Because apparently even though they told me it was ordered and would be coming in, their supplier apparently was out of it. Sigh. Better order direct from Mazuri now, I guess.
You've had the worst luck with them!
Hi to everyone, I´m newbie here. I´m from Czech Republic and this year I´ve decided to hatch some emus (in previous years I did only chickens,ducks, turkeys and geese). Thoug I then have the some expiriences, emus are maybe the most challenging for me, mainly maintance of very low humidity....
Anyway, I have 2 eggs on day 48 and 3 on day 45, some of them wiggling very readily when I whistle, some of them with only slight vibrations.
I can´t wait if they hatch without any problems on this weekend/next week.
Wish me (them) luck!:)
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Hi to everyone, I´m newbie here. I´m from Czech Republic and this year I´ve decide to hatch some emus (in previous years I did only chickens,ducks, turkeys and geese). Thoug I then have the some expiriences, emus are maybe the most challenging for me, mainly maintance of very low humidity....
Anyway, I have 2 eggs on day 48 and 3 on day 45, some of them wiggling very readily when I whistle, some of them with only slight vibrations.
I can´t wait if they hatch wiout any problems on this weekend/next week.
Wish me (them) luck!:)

How exciting! Good luck and we'd love to see some photos.
Hi to everyone, I´m newbie here. I´m from Czech Republic and this year I´ve decided to hatch some emus (in previous years I did only chickens,ducks, turkeys and geese). Thoug I then have the some expiriences, emus are maybe the most challenging for me, mainly maintance of very low humidity....
Anyway, I have 2 eggs on day 48 and 3 on day 45, some of them wiggling very readily when I whistle, some of them with only slight vibrations.
I can´t wait if they hatch without any problems on this weekend/next week.
Wish me (them) luck!:)

Welcome to BYC! Best of luck with your hatch :fl
Did the bird hatch yet?
I'm new here.


16 more days left for my first three :)

22 and B are both moving now! I've caught it on camera but it's very subtle and you can't really see it well. I'm hoping to catch a really good wiggle at some point that you can actually see and then I will post it.

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