Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

Sad news. B didn't make it :hit

I just went to turn C and whistled to B. No movement, no whistling. I put a hole in the air cell and whistled. Still nothing, so I opened the egg up. He was perfectly formed, not malpositioned, the yolk was totally absorbed and the belly almost closed. I'm not sure what happened.

So now I must pin my hopes on C to have a companion for 22. C is on day 40, so it will be ten days before it hatches or longer.
Sad news. B didn't make it :hit

I just went to turn C and whistled to B. No movement, no whistling. I put a hole in the air cell and whistled. Still nothing, so I opened the egg up. He was perfectly formed, not malpositioned, the yolk was totally absorbed and the belly almost closed. I'm not sure what happened.

So now I must pin my hopes on C to have a companion for 22. C is on day 40, so it will be ten days before it hatches or longer.
Oh No o o o o o o o!!!!:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit
Sad news. B didn't make it :hit

I just went to turn C and whistled to B. No movement, no whistling. I put a hole in the air cell and whistled. Still nothing, so I opened the egg up. He was perfectly formed, not malpositioned, the yolk was totally absorbed and the belly almost closed. I'm not sure what happened.

So now I must pin my hopes on C to have a companion for 22. C is on day 40, so it will be ten days before it hatches or longer.

Oh my goodness, I'm so so sorry!! Such a shame, I'm sorry to hear..
When's the last time B whistled to you?
Sad news. B didn't make it :hit

I just went to turn C and whistled to B. No movement, no whistling. I put a hole in the air cell and whistled. Still nothing, so I opened the egg up. He was perfectly formed, not malpositioned, the yolk was totally absorbed and the belly almost closed. I'm not sure what happened.

So now I must pin my hopes on C to have a companion for 22. C is on day 40, so it will be ten days before it hatches or longer.

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