Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

I have a brooder question for you expert hatchers... I need to significantly increase the number of hollands in my flock, so I'm thinking of setting eggs every ten days in the bator. Challenge is I only have two cells in my brooder (both 8x8), is it safe to integrate week old chicks with three week olds?

I've done 3 week intervals several times. Works well as long as enough space and you can accommodate the difference in heat needs. I would wait till the youngest have their "sea legs" under them.
C bit me right on the nose today. Grabbed me right by the septum. That hurt.

But all is forgiven because s/he is being ridiculously cute right now playing. I wish I had my phone to record it for you guys. Might have to go grab it.
Sorry your nose got bit, maybe C is saying it's time to be playing with 22?
C bit me right on the nose today. Grabbed me right by the septum. That hurt.
What's that saying?....Oh, Yeah....
'keep chickens away from your face, they'll put your eye out!' :lol:
Would think that would go triple for Emus, not as sharp of a beak but probably exponentially more compression power.
My eyes are watering just thinking about an emu on my septum. :hit
OWIE! lol I hope that was an accident. :p I bet they are just adorable.

Yeah it was an accident, lol. They're very curious and explore everything with their beaks. She just somehow managed to grab my septum with laser precision. At least her beak is gonna be too big to do that when she's fully grown, lol!

What's that saying?....Oh, Yeah....
'keep chickens away from your face, they'll put your eye out!' :lol:
Would think that would go triple for Emus, not as sharp of a beak but probably exponentially more compression power.
My eyes are watering just thinking about an emu on my septum. :hit

She snuck up on me! Lol, I was just minding my own business and then she climbed right up and clamped on.
C went on a very brief outside outing with me today. She got to go because she's shy and very imprinted on me and sticks like glue and I wasn't worried about her taking off from the unfenced backyard. Berrigan will have to wait until I can take him to a fenced area, lol.


Meanwhile Berrigan and his goose got to run around inside for a bit before being returned to their brooder for dinner and a piece of collard greens to play with and eat.

Just to illustrate how stupidly fast goslings grow, here's a picture. Berrigan has height on him because he's all legs and neck, but the gosling is just as long as he is and nearly as tall, and he's heavier too.


I warned you all about the brooder, lol. I cleaned it about ten minutes before this picture. Doesn't take them long.
If C bit you on the septum, it's gotta be a girl. My female is always biting and testing everything. She is bold and an escape artist. They say males make better pets and my male is quite and laid back. Rare if he gets wild or nibbles. He is a snuggler. V1 is the same way so thinking that's a boy too. Should have his results Friday or Monday.

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