Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

Merry Christmas everyone! @shawluvsbirds made me this graphic:

christmas ciara.gif

Also, check out one of my favorite presents this year:


I hope everyone else had a good Christmas too!
'I hope everyone else had a good Christmas too!'

Fine here -- not too hot. LimpyChick and Tooshtoosh have just two or three days of plums left. There'll be a crazy moment when all the parrots in the district will rage in on the last plum, then that's it: done for the season, and they all move on to the next food source.

'I hope everyone else had a good Christmas too!'

Fine here -- not too hot. LimpyChick and Tooshtoosh have just two or three days of plums left. There'll be a crazy moment when all the parrots in the district will rage in on the last plum, then that's it: done for the season, and they all move on to the next food source.


Do you see cockatoos a lot? I love cockatoos :) Right now I have a quaker parrot, but I really want to get a galah.

Just so you know, I so enjoy following your thread. Your graphic is wonderful and I love the tee. I don't post much as I don't have anything meaningful to say. But I'm truly enjoying your adventure.

Thanks :) Next year around this time might be more exciting - Ciara will be old enough then that I might start getting eggs.
'Do you see cockatoos a lot? I love cockatoos'

I am priveleged to see them right up close. We have two species of white-tailed black cockatoos. And we have my favourite, the red-tailed black cockatoo. And we have the Muir's Corella.

The corellas come over every day. The white-tails are fairly frequent visitors, usually in groups of from five to fifty. The red-tails are a little harder to spot.

And somewhere in the BYC long-ago, there is an essay about the Overall Emu-Warning System of The Bush, in which the raucous corellas are a major player.

And finally -- I grew up over east, where they are v. common -- just to the east of us you'll occasionally see galahs:


The black-tails are splendid in flight. There is no doubt that both the corellas and the cockies 'play' in flight. Occasionally, you'll actually here the corellas' wings clip each other as they cavort in close formation. The cockies are awesome in a different way. They hammer through the gums, dodging powerfully around the obstacles as they go.
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'I suspect it’s no accident that the corellas are sitting on bare upper branches. They are ground feeders. (It’s delightful to see them – if you can manage it – feeding next to emus.) And I think that the bare upper branches are the best look-out spot for them if they are disturbed. I think they reconnoitre an area from their lookout, then descend to feed. Once disturbed, they retreat to the lookout, and make an unholy ruckus.' -- Post 53

You can see the '28' parrot happily munching a plum. Each year, the emus camp out under the two plum trees for weeks, while plums knocked down by the parrots rain down.

Then not many left.

Then just a handful.

Then none.

It happened today: not a plum left, and LimpyChick and Tooshtoosh are standing disconsolately under the tree, as the knowledge sinks in: no more plums.

[The fig tree comes next.]

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