Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

Yes, your chicks are beautiful. I love their little black masks and lovely black legs. They’re very exotic looking.

Oh, just thought of something. I put hay or straw in my brooders now with a ‘Gas grill protection pad’ from our Little grocery store for less than $5 under it. ( for the grip )
The hay keeps it nice and fresh for about a week depending on how many birds you have. You can hose off the mat.
I carried the chicks in from barn in a little soft kitty bed and left it in there. They seem to love snuggling under it when I have it propped against the side wall or sometimes crawl into it and snuggle down.
'They seem to love snuggling under it'

For the three or four days of the hatch, those chicks that hatch first use Dad as home base. Under Dad's vent is a space completely sealed by the 'curtain' of his feathers. Sometimes the chicks' first view beyond the curtain is of a world of lashing rain and thrashing trees. But they can pop in and out of the room, never getting more than about four or five feet away, as they check it all out.


There are five chicks under Boy Emu in this photo.

Meanwhile: for the first time, LimpyChick, the young female here, has begun vocalising at night -- pre-dawn. You can usually tell a female from the number of booms in her 'string,' somewhere between about eight and eighteen.

Supreme Emu
Twin as in two chicks in one egg? Since you can't candle them, how do you know there are two in there? What temperature have you been incubating it? What's your incubator like?

If there are two, they will probably get in each other's way when they are ready to hatch, and may indeed need help.
I am not 100% positive. Just going by size and movement. They egg started at about 800 grams vs. the others from the same place are 600 grams. I have a cabinet incubator I made. We have 2 fans and 97.5 temperature. On day 43 today. Very very active compared to the others. Yes 2 birds one egg is my guess. Not loosing like the others are either but is clearly alive and well.
I am not 100% positive. Just going by size and movement. They egg started at about 800 grams vs. the others from the same place are 600 grams. I have a cabinet incubator I made. We have 2 fans and 97.5 temperature. On day 43 today. Very very active compared to the others. Yes 2 birds one egg is my guess. Not loosing like the others are either but is clearly alive and well.

Alright, so it sounds like you're looking at a day 50 hatch, or right around there. Hopefully they are not in each other's way to externally pip. If they can do that, then I don't think assisting and getting them the rest of the way out will be too hard.
Alright, so it sounds like you're looking at a day 50 hatch, or right around there. Hopefully they are not in each other's way to externally pip. If they can do that, then I don't think assisting and getting them the rest of the way out will be too hard.

What is your opinion on the air hole situation? I have been told by quite a few ppl to do that for oxygen, but also to see if I can see their position. I would do it after their due date of course. This egg is shaped so funny I cant tell which side is air cell that's the problem. It looks like 2 eggs glued together. Today I couldn't get a good weight bc they would knock the bowl right off the scale. If it is just one baby I will be very surprised. I read such bad things I really hope they can make it. I have hatched chicken before but not emu. Fingers crossed. Day 44 today. They have made it a long way.

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