Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

Got my NPIP testing done today. Thank goodness they don't require you to test the emus.

Ciara freaked the testing woman out a bit, I could tell. She seemed uneasy being around a bird that could look her in eye. And then she was wearing bright blue gloves so Ciara wanted to chomp at them...

In the end it was fine, I told the woman she was friendly and wasn't going to hurt her, but I could tell she was relieved when she was done inspecting that particular pen and the emu barn, lol.
Very nice! When will you get the results back?
It like been in the high 40's by midday here. My emus are dropping feathers everywhere. Almost like they are shedding their winter coat. Don't remember this last spring. Anybody else seeing this. Also, if any non emu owners want some feathers. I think they would be great for tying streamers. Or whatever....
I would so like to touch emu feathers - they look like they have a special texture! :)

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