Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

'What's going on with those two?:)'

Morning, Bio.

Well, the accounts of spazzy dancing here on BYC, and the Youtubes I've seen, don't convey the running part: in the wild, spazzy dancing involves long runs. It usually goes: first, the actual dance, like breast-to-ground-jump-up and whirly twirls. Then often a stretch of running with krazee built in, like jumping up to 'kick at the moon.'
But spazzy dances usually conclude with long fast crazy runs -- and the clip is a snippet of that. I was getting ready to record; heard them coming; and got a few seconds of clumsy footage as they roared past.

And the point is: it's irrelevant that these rothschildis are tame-wild. This is footage of what wild emus do.

Supreme Emu
'No emus near me but I am able to observe a pair of Great Horned owls nesting across the street.:)'

The 'overflow' of interest in birds is a nice part of these threads. Look up 'Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo.' Sighted a group of about thirty down by the river. Biggest group ever.
B was posing a bit yesterday when he was having his evening run-around:


I'm thinking I may name him Phoenix :) So it would be Phoenix and Lyra.

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