Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

Do yours sleep out in the pouring rain and refuse to go under cover?

It was dumping here the last two days, so I felt the need to put them in a covered run to dry off for the night. Didn’t go as bad as your recent emu wrangling, but lost my favorite pair of pants! One little struggle and a claw... they were done 🥺

Mine go in the barn :) They're pretty good about not standing out in the rain if it's really pouring. A light rain, they might stay out in.
Ciara's on the naughty list!

She's always had a thing about the hats my mom crochets for me. So much so that you guys might remember my mom made her a hat:


Anyway, my mom has also made me a cute Christmas hat that I wear this time of year. Well, I was in with the emus today minding my own business and Ciara came over and stole it right off my head.

She then proceeded to drop it in some mud. My poor hat.

It will hopefully be okay, though. I'll put it through the machine in a mesh bag on delicate and fingers crossed the mud will come out.
Finally finished digging out from a big snowstorm today. We snowblowed out a section of the emu's pasture for them, but they just hang out in the deep snow and lay right down in it, lol. I didn't see them go in their barn the whole time I was out there.


(Do you know why she was so intent on me in this picture? Because she was trying to bite my fingers holding my phone.)
Finally finished digging out from a big snowstorm today. We snowblowed out a section of the emu's pasture for them, but they just hang out in the deep snow and lay right down in it, lol. I didn't see them go in their barn the whole time I was out there.

(Do you know why she was so intent on me in this picture? Because she was trying to bite my fingers holding my phone.)

Ours finally started laying. Did you get anything yet?
Ours finally started laying. Did you get anything yet?

Nothing yet. How long ago did yours start?

Sebastian is juuuussstt old enough that he might think about mating. I'm hoping he does but I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't until next year.

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