Q about feeding mice. **Those against killing mice DO NOT CLICK***

I had mouse poison in my garage only. Our rooster, Red, snuck inside while my husband was busy. By the time I realized what had happened, all I could do was make Red comfortable. He was merely acting tired and sitting under my truck in the shade. Then he pooped bright green (the exact color of the poison). My daughter and I crawled under the truck to get Red out. I placed him on the back porch. He laid down and died.

In Red’s memory, I have stopped using poison for mice. Although Red ate the poison pellets, it could have easily been a poisoned mouse. I never want to experience this again!

These days I use snap traps and we are experimenting with various bucket traps. If the snap trap killed the mouse (which is preferable, right?), I throw the dead mouse across the yard, attempting to maintain chicken eye height. Yep. Dead mice fly in our run! I don’t usually have to throw it more than twice for the hens to realize Mom is gifting then with mousie snacks.

Since chickens are omnivores, I try to let them eat all bugs and worms they find around the yard. My husband has been known to stop the lawnmower and deliver a locust to the run.

We eat our chickens’ eggs. So long as every bird acts healthy, eat their eggs.

Thank you to everyone. This has been an enjoyable read. I forgot about my issues for a few minutes. Win!
Since chickens are omnivores, I try to let them eat all bugs and worms they find around the yard. My husband has been known to stop the lawnmower and deliver a locust to the run.

Sorry to hear about your rooster. Yeah I don’t use poison for anything now that I have chickens.

I’ve stopped the lawnmower and gotten locusts and grasshoppers. I’m blind but somehow I can spot bugs for my chickens when I’m riding around in my lawn mower during the summer time.
Sorry to hear about your rooster. Yeah I don’t use poison for anything now that I have chickens.

I’ve stopped the lawnmower and gotten locusts and grasshoppers. I’m blind but somehow I can spot bugs for my chickens when I’m riding around in my lawn mower during the summer time.
When mine are free-ranging some of the hens love to follow the lawn mower. Sometimes I have to slam on the brakes if they run in front of. They especially like it when I am going in smaller and smaller circles, corralling their prey into a small patch of grass. Then it's a grasshopper circus! Ah, the joys of summer!
When mine are free-ranging some of the hens love to follow the lawn mower. Sometimes I have to slam on the brakes if they run in front of. They especially like it when I am going in smaller and smaller circles, corralling their prey into a small patch of grass. Then it's a grasshopper circus! Ah, the joys of summer!

I’ve never tried mowing while they’re nearby because I’m scared I’ll run them over, but I shall see how it is this summer. They might follow it due to all the bugs they’ll be able to spot. I have a much larger flock this summer plus some guineas so it will be different.

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