Q.) Do Chickens like Slugs and Snails?????????????????????????????????

Yeah...mine all love the slimy slugs...no snails around my yard or they would probably eat those too. Though they seem to not like caterpillars.....yuck! I'd watch them nip at it and then walk away. That lil caterpillar made it all the way from one end of the cage to the other and crawled out. I wonder if it was poisonous.... oh well. Was funny. All in one piece still too!
My chickens have tested out a slug or two and then wiped their beaks feverishly like they can't stand the slime! They don't ever eat the slugs though. They do love mealworms and earthworms but we don't have snails around here.
Mine like snails and slugs. Of course they have to stalk them as they enter the run. They don't last long.

They don't eat woolly-bears though- the caterpillars of the swallowtail butterfly...
well mine are starting to really like the taste of snails and slugs

but i hope its not sending me the diseases...from me eating thier eggs........
Great question - I had been trying to get mine to eat the slugs, but they don't... Bummer! I guess I am not the only one who does not have garden helpers like that...
Because we have had a rainy summer my chickens and i walk around my gardens looking for snails and slugs and bugs and they go NUTS when I lift up a board or turn over a rock ....looking for some snacks.....When they're free ranging I can call them from way on the other side of the yard and they come running knowing we're going slug hunting....its a hoot to see them clucking and scratching and following me like a mother duck.....I wonder if they would like butter and garlic with them? HM?....Next year I am going to start early spring so my hosta's leaves wont look like swiss cheese by the end of fall....

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