Quack, quack, HONK!

I'm gonna have to get a video and post it of the sound mine make. I'm really hoping I have 2 females but now I'm wondering. They're bother really noisy and outspoken but I still can't distinguish between the quack and honk to see what I'm listening for. Lol from some of the videos I've seen I think they're both girls but I just don't know!

Yeah....I hear ya.

I thought I had it figured out. But do I dare take the chance when I'm raising them for food?

And none of mine have drake feathers either.

My 5 quackers quack constantly...but don't honk like the other 2, does this mean female? (Also regarding honking, 4 are pekings. This may be why some people don't have honkers, because they don't have pekings.)

And everyone is describing it so differently also.
Yeah....I hear ya.

I thought I had it figured out. But do I dare take the chance when I'm raising them for food?

And none of mine have drake feathers either.

My 5 quackers quack constantly...but don't honk like the other 2, does this mean female? (Also regarding honking, 4 are pekings. This may be why some people don't have honkers, because they don't have pekings.)

And everyone is describing it so differently also.

At 5 1/2 any drakes should have drake feathers. They usually grow those in between 16-20 weeks. There are a few slow pokes some times i guess though. But you could without hearing or seeing your birds. Have a chance that they could all be females.
Mine aren't for food. My husband is just obsessed with ducks. Lol but mine will be 15 weeks on Saturday so maybe I just have to wait and see if we get any Drake feathers. I'm just worried if I have 2 boys if they will get along. Right now they can't stand being away from each other. Even if one goes inside the coop and the other doesn't immediately see it then they will both freak out quacking (honking whatever that noise is 😂) until they are within eyesight of each other. They don't even like when my 4 chickens ( 3 RIR hens and 1 buff roo) are out of their sight. They grew up together from the day we got them from TSC. All 6 have a tight bond and get worried if they lose a "family member". Lol
Mine aren't for food. My husband is just obsessed with ducks. Lol but mine will be 15 weeks on Saturday so maybe I just have to wait and see if we get any Drake feathers. I'm just worried if I have 2 boys if they will get along. Right now they can't stand being away from each other. Even if one goes inside the coop and the other doesn't immediately see it then they will both freak out quacking (honking whatever that noise is 😂) until they are within eyesight of each other. They don't even like when my 4 chickens ( 3 RIR hens and 1 buff roo) are out of their sight. They grew up together from the day we got them from TSC. All 6 have a tight bond and get worried if they lose a "family member". Lol

Well I'm hoping for egg food more than meat. But I want to be self sufficient just to clarify. Thanks for your comment.
At 5 1/2 any drakes should have drake feathers. They usually grow those in between 16-20 weeks. There are a few slow pokes some times i guess though. But you could without hearing or seeing your birds. Have a chance that they could all be females.

Thank you.

I hope so. I wouldn't mind all egg layers.

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