Quail coop??


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 24, 2014
Hello everyone. I need a quail coop and I can't afford to buy the prices of them these days. You pay like £90.00 pounds in some tiny little pen. Can someone tell me how to build one that's cheap and the price how much it would be to make.
Even some plans if you can.
Do you have access to free wood pallets? If you don't mind the work of tearing a pallet apart, you could build a nice sturdy quail pen with those. All you would need to buy is hardware cloth and the harware for holding the doors closed, but you may even have those laying around. This way it would probably cost no more than $20, depending on how large you want to make it.
Oh! Well, they're not too hard. Think of a rabbit hutch and make something similar to that - a frame, mostly covered in wire with a wire floor, with a roof and a little enclosed area for the birds to go into to get away from the elements. I myself am actually about to make one, and I don't know when you need yours by, but if you can wait, I can post pictures of mine as I build it for you.
Not to be rude but you guys aren't searching the archives before you create new posts. About once a week someone creates a show me your pens or coops thread. They rarely get more than a few responses. There are older threads that have many many coops posted in them if you'll just search BYC. Also there is a whole section of the website dedicated to coops/cages/runs.


To give you an idea just how often this thread get started click on this link to an advanced search I did with BYCs advanced search feature.

DC is a well respected long time member of this forum. He was trying to help you out since you are very new here. I suggest you utilize the advice given rather than respond with disdain.
Not to me. It seems to me he was explaining the forum to you, and he is right. The coop question comes up ALL the time. The forum has a search function and it should be used. Just type "quail coop" or "sick quail" or "laying eggs" etc, whatever you want to know. If you can't find an answer then make a new thread. But there is a wealth of info there that new people often don't use because they don't know how. DC told you how. He even said he wasn't trying to be rude, just giving you the info. ETA: I myself have absently forgotten to search and asked a question and been told to search the forum. They don't mean anything by it, they just don't need repeat the same thing again, and again, and again.
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