Quail hatch. Follow along.

Apr 9, 2023
My Coop
My Coop
Hello! I made this thread for anyone who would want to follow along on this quail hatch. I received 12 gambels quail eggs today. I let them sit for 6 hours and they went into the incubaot an hour ago. This is day 1.


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Today is day 2. I didn't explain the full story to these eggs yesterday so here is the explanation. I was supposed to get these eggs next week along with 30 other eggs, but without notice the seller sent them a week early. This is where I have encountered my first problem, these eggs will hatch the 9-10th of may. The other eggs will hatch a week after them. I only have 1 incubator, so I have to put them all in the same incubator. The problem I am facing is idk if the egg turner will kill the chicks when they hatch/when they are hatching. Any suggestions on what I should do? Other than this the eggs are doing well.


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I don't know about the new Nurture Rites but the older models where designed for hatching chickens. The timer on the turner was automatically set for a 21 day incubation period, therefore, the turner would stop on day 19 or 3 days before the eggs where to hatch. They had countdown screen that would let you set it to whatever the amount of days you wanted too!....but it would still stop turning at 19 days.

if the new unit's are still that way, no problem it won't be turning when they hatch. To reset the turner timer, turn the power off, restart and the timer will reset to 21 days again.

That late in the incubation period for the second batch, isn't going to be a big deal to miss a couple of days without a turn.
I personally, don't turn the turner off on any of my incubators, I don't have any problems with them hatching nor getting hurt by the turner....it works for me but it may not work for you! You need to see what will work best for you.
I don't know about the new Nurture Rites but the older models where designed for hatching chickens. The timer on the turner was automatically set for a 21 day incubation period, therefore, the turner would stop on day 19 or 3 days before the eggs where to hatch. They had countdown screen that would let you set it to whatever the amount of days you wanted too!....but it would still stop turning at 19 days.

if the new unit's are still that way, no problem it won't be turning when they hatch. To reset the turner timer, turn the power off, restart and the timer will reset to 21 days again.

That late in the incubation period for the second batch, isn't going to be a big deal to miss a couple of days without a turn.
I personally, don't turn the turner off on any of my incubators, I don't have any problems with them hatching nor getting hurt by the turner....it works for me but it may not work for you! You need to see what will work best for you.
Thank you!
Today is day 2. I didn't explain the full story to these eggs yesterday so here is the explanation. I was supposed to get these eggs next week along with 30 other eggs, but without notice the seller sent them a week early. This is where I have encountered my first problem, these eggs will hatch the 9-10th of may. The other eggs will hatch a week after them. I only have 1 incubator, so I have to put them all in the same incubator. The problem I am facing is idk if the egg turner will kill the chicks when they hatch/when they are hatching. Any suggestions on what I should do? Other than this the eggs are doing well.
Wow don't know why they would send a week early. However I would look at getting or making a humidity box/brood box that hold humidity. This would be used for the week early eggs so they can hatch separate from the incubator. That's what I've made just in case I get an early pip and don't want to stop the turner. It's saved a few hatches.
Today is day 3. I had a huge humidity drop in the incubator when I woke up this morning. Went from 45 to 32 percent. The temp has stayed consistent. All eggs seem to be doing good. I will candle tomorrow to check for growth. That is all for today.
Hope they will be okay :fl I can't wait to see lil baby quail pictures. Tomorrow I might be able to show you my quail and my finches that just hatched some babies.
Hope they will be okay :fl I can't wait to see lil baby quail pictures. Tomorrow I might be able to show you my quail and my finches that just hatched some babies.
I would love to see some pictures of your quail! I'm sure the eggs will be fine. Thank you for the idea about the brooding box.

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