Quail in aquarium? I GOT THEM!

Congratulations on your new Buttons! You will get lots of laughs and enjoyment with them.
My buttons don't smell, but boy my cat does. As soon as I change the cat litter 5 minutes later peeU.
He farts too, which sends everyone evacuating the room.

I have 6 silvers but they are only 2-3 days old.

If your planning to breed them use a incubator untill the hens get broody. I did that and as soon as I took in 60 eggs from the aviary. They layed a heap more and started to sit.
I have the same ratio and it works, but only 3 hens and 1 roo. So your going to have alot of those little ones at your place.

I have 12 little ones in the brooder and another 2 hatching now. Several more are making up their minds.

All my adults are wilds, but so far half of their babies are silvers.

You'll have a great time with them and become so tamed after a few months.

Mine come and sit on me.

Most of all have fun.
The only problem is...I am an incubating aholic! I'm not sure even what I will do with all the chicks. But I won't be able to NOT incubate them!

They are so cute! I knew they would be small but was surprised at just how small the birds and the eggs are!~
Well, after seeing this, I redid one whole cage, with a more natural setting. Green plastic plants, old log peices etc. I like the waterfall idea but it will have to wait until we warm up again. I need to get some of those baskets for little nests. The quail do seem happier, they move around more and don't just sit there waiting for the food to come(these are corturnix). I tried to take pictures but you can't really see it well enough in the pictures. My other cages aren't as large but I am going to still try to add a few more natural things when I can.
Mine isn't set up like I want it! They are in a small aquarium at this point but they are so darn cute! I also have coturnix in the bator, these eggs were given to me as they were getting "old" to incubate. I candled them last night (day 8) And it appears about 7-8 of the 15 are developing. They are hard to see into but in one I saw definate movement the other 6-7 appear dark and the remaining ones appear clear still. I hope I get at least a few out of that batch.
I would have thought the shavings in an aquarium would get damp really fast. I used a plastic box with airholes in it as a brooder once and it was very humid and unpleasant, there was always condensation no matter how much ventilation I put in and the woodchips got soggy and gross way faster than in my normal brooders. Ech. Won't do it again.
With my brooder,I have a thick layer of paper towel and then straw on top.
The top is a proper fly screen window, frame and all, with a 10kg box of seed to hold it down. Doesn't get humid at all.
It sits on patio, which is weather proof, but not heat proof.
It was 109f here today, so the light was off all day. Will turn it on later tonight when the heat easies.
The light is just a desk lamp with a 100 watt globe.
Heating at the moment isn't the problem. Keeping those little guys cool, but not cold. So I placed a fan facing above them to circulate the air.

I would love to swap some heat for some cold.

Well I don't like it too cold or too hot. Is there anywhere on the planet fitting this description?

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