Quail questions

They are best in the air on wire. They can get worms on the ground & are exposed to other bird droppings.

This is just repeating what I've read but seems logical to me.
Wire can be hard on their feet since they are ground birds. Are yours for eating , eggs or pets? Mine are pets, I like raising them . I keep them in a rabbit cage, With pine shavings. They have a box to lay eggs in and a dog bowl for a dust bath.
Here is one of my tuxedo girls discovering that I refilled the dust bath.
This one would not fit so she's rolling in the shavings.
I also use rabbit bottles for them to drink from. It's great cause they can't get their bedding in the water that way.

This is my button quail brooder, the parents are in a cockatiel cage with fake plants and a nest bowl and a little wooden house. The babies have a resin stump and a log they can hide in and fake aquarium plants they really seem to enjoy exploring and hiding under the plants.


If your asking me I raised mine for meat & eggs. 1/4" hardware cloth isn't hard on three feet. However I've always put something in there for them to get off the wire even tho it isn't used.
so 5 of my eggs were infertile and i stupidly cracked 1 so i was left with 18 of the 24 eggs and theyre hatching, 6 have hatched so far ill tell you the colours so you can tell me what type of cortunix quail they are, ok so 2 are very dark brown with only a couple white hairs here and there, 3 are yellow with a big brown line going down there back (with a few other lines here and there)
and 1 is different it is yellow with lots of brown spots and lines on its bach, tell me what you think

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