Quail with head injury panting heavily

He seemed to have regained a little bit of spirit this morning but then tired quickly. Still panting and very weak. He was ravenous this morning, but hasn't seemed to very eat much since then.
I'm afraid he's taking a turn for the worse. He stopped eating and has some mucous-y discharge in his eyes. Just a little bit, but that's new and concerning. Very weak, less responsive. He drinks the drops, but it seems to be a struggle for him, involving the gagging motion and sometimes sneezing. His nostrils don't look blocked, but I wonder if he can't breathe through them? Therefore pants and struggles with swallowing? Any chance there's something like a decongestant for birds?
He was de-wormed about a month before this started, and he's still passing pretty big feces. I did deworm the other birds again when this started in case it was related and also tried to give him some of the treated feed, but he wasn't really eating in those early days so probably didn't get much or any of the de-wormer.

This all seemed to start very suddenly, which is one reason why I thought the initial symptoms meant a head boink. One day he seemed perfectly normal, the next seriously ill. That was about two and a half weeks ago, now.
I'm afraid he's taking a turn for the worse. He stopped eating and has some mucous-y discharge in his eyes. Just a little bit, but that's new and concerning. Very weak, less responsive. He drinks the drops, but it seems to be a struggle for him, involving the gagging motion and sometimes sneezing. His nostrils don't look blocked, but I wonder if he can't breathe through them? Therefore pants and struggles with swallowing? Any chance there's something like a decongestant for birds?

I am so sorry. :hugs I know how difficult this is. :hugs

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